The University Educator's Toolkit: εκπαιδευτικό υλικό

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Gavriilidou Zoe (ed.), (2023). The University Educator's Toolkit, Komotini: Publications of the Horizontal Action KEDIMA.

Αυτή είναι η αγγλική μετάφραση του πρωτότυπου University Educator's Toolkit, που αρχικά δημοσιεύτηκε στα ελληνικά τον Ιούνιο του 2023 ως μέρος του έργου "Horizontal Action of Higher Education Teaching and Learning Centers" (κωδικός MIS 5164469).

How do students learn? Does the teaching approach in university classrooms effectively motivate learning? What characterizes student-centered learning, and how can we actively support it? These  are the questions addressed by this Toolkit, recognizing that effective teaching extends beyond the  mere presentation of content, even when leveraging new technologies or support materials. The focus  is on ensuring meaningful learning experiences, understanding the nuances of how students learn,  identifying avenues for improvement, and creating a conducive learning environment that promotes,  encourages, and enables high-quality learning. Tailored for educators across all categories in Greek  universities, the toolkit comprises resources aimed at enhancing teaching and learning practices at the university level. It emphasizes integrative teaching approaches that: 
a. Foster students' awareness of their learning strategies and emphasize the significance of fundamental questions in science, focusing on key concepts (big ideas).
b. Situate students in scenarios that necessitate the application of problem-solving skills.
c. Cultivate an environment where students critically engage with the central ideas of the lesson  through practical application.
d. Evaluate learning outcomes through formative assessment techniques, incorporating various assessment methods to promote the adoption of deeper approaches to learning.

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